

Thank you for your interest in donating to the Sharmada Foundation.

You can make a generation donation, or you can make a specific donation for a particular project, event, or intention.  

Before finalizing your donation (after you choose your payment method), you may ADD A NOTE about the purpose of the donation. You may write, for example, “scholarship fund” or “donate for equipment.” If nothing is stated in the note section, we will receive your donation as a contribution to the overall humanitarian work of Sharmada Foundation.

Please note that specific items on the Events page are paid directly by clicking on their corresponding payment links. If you use the donation button here below to pay for a specific event that is purchased directly on the Events page, your payment will not be linked to the event registration, and you won’t find it in your account or have access to the event.

If you have any questions regarding donations please email

Donate using credit card

AmazonSmile Donations 

Sharmadã Foundation is a registered organization of AmazonSmile, which donates a portion of every purchase you make to the charity of your choice. On your first visit to AmazonSmile (, simply select a charitable organization to receive donations before you shop.